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In the World:

Ever since the beginning of time, words have been a crucial part in the way human beings act and think. With the advance and increasing of human intelligence, it became easier to socialize with other people. From the wall paintings made long time ago to the daily messages we send via Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. socializing is a huge foundation in our lives.
We can consider that social media had its first appearance in the 1840’s with the creation of the telegraph. Since then, it had a progressive development to become what it is today.
Social media’s increasement had its ups and downs. On one hand, it became easier to communicate with other people and to be more aware of the news in our world but on the other hand, we began to put aside actually socializing in real time with a person that’s right next to you. Social media sort of killed some quality time of socialization that we had before it was invented.
But fortunately in this case, there are more benefits to extract than problems. Millions of people use it around the world, making it easier to start cultural movements on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other websites that have given a voice to individuals that were not being heard.
In example to social movements, we have the case of the ‘’Je suis Charlie’’ hashtag (#jesuischarlie), that was created in honour of the 2015 shooting at Charlie Hebdo’s offices and  
in which twelve people were killed. The slogan was intentionally made to evoke solidarity towards the victims, but it started a movement in which millions of people took part in and inspired other events similar to this.
Social movements such as the hashtag ‘’Love Wins’’, ‘’Je suis Paris’’, ‘’Black Lives Matter’’ and even recent ones related to women’s rights, have shown that online platforms have huge power in a matter of fighting for what people defend or are against. It gathers countless users to fight for a cause in which they believe is right to make a difference.

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