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About us

About me:

My name is Luís Filipe, I’m 18 years old and this is my group work concerning how Social Media impacted three examples of Cultural Movements.

So, I’m a first-year student in foreign languages and cultures degree at ESE.

Before assuming that statute I was a Science Student and aimed to be an Engineer of some sort but after a long summer of reflection/thinking and a difficult internship at CERN, I realized that it wasn’t what I really wanted and that my heart was on a more human side of learning rather than a factual/robotic one.

About the topic, it was the first one that I really thought about when choosing something. I’m an internet guy and a frequent user of Social Media, and because of that I saw first hand the transformation of it. I remember when in 2014 on twitter people weren’t using it to, for example, proclaim a right or criticize other beliefs and ways of living. Nowadays, for example, Twitter is the place of people empowerment, more precisely the same beliefs that I referred just now. 

In this way, when starting to research this topic I saw that my idea was absolutely confirmed and that in some cases Social Media are the agent for these ideas/movements to inseminate on people’s heads and to reach the others that don’t really care.

This being said, at this work we will show how our Culture Life and of the surrounding was affected by Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp for example. At the two points that I’m going to tackle I’m going to show always the three cases of movements chosen.

About me:

My name is Luís Pinto, I´m 18 years old and I´ve lived all my life in a small town in
Santa Maria Da Feira. I´ve got two sisters, one is 1 year old and the other is 16 years
My early stages of education, from the first to the ninth grade, took place in “Escola EB
2, 3 De Canedo” which is an elementary school. After that I spent my high school in
“Colégio de Gaia” studying technologies of medicine. Now I´m taking a degree in
Languages and Foreign Cultures in “Escola Superior de Educação”.
The only work experience I´ve got comes from the internship that I made during high
school in a veterinary.
Most of my free time is spent doing exercise, either on the gym or on the football pitch.
However, when I´m at home I also like to play videogames and watch tv or netflix
Regarding the theme of our website I can´t say that I´m a fierce supporter of any
cultural movement, but I agree with some of them.

About me:

My name is Luís Vasconcelos. I’m 21 years old and I’m studying Foreign Languages and Cultures at Escola Superior de Educação.

I’m from Marco de Canaveses, but ever since I started studying at ESE, I’ve been living in Porto during the week. I’m an only child and I live alone ever since my parents went to work in Belgium.
Last year, I studied Marketing at ISCAP but I had lots of maths, economy and law classes which weren’t really my thing, so I decided so to switch for this course. I love languages. I lived and studied in Belgium for 2 years when I was younger and therefore I learned dutch making me speak three languages fluently.

I also enjoy sports such as football and basketball, playing video-games, hanging out with my friends and having family meetings. I own a dog and a cat. They get along quite well.

Talking about cultural movements, I’m in favour of it when it comes to a meaningfull cause. I don’t think that cultural movements should be made just because someone randomly remembered to, there has to be a powerfull reason behind it and always remember to be respectful.

Our Mission


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