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The Cultural Movements 

As I mentioned before there are many benefits that social media and their respective platforms can bring to these cultural movements such as wide span that before, at other times, would be almost impossible. One thing that is sure is the empowerment that these platforms give to the movements. As a politician talks about his party ideas in national television empowering his purpose, people that through social media make a point or a stand are too empowering their cause. Many learn about the principles of, for example, feminism and globalism not through academic texts and journals, but through Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, many staying influenced by feminist personalities of these platforms like Audre Lorde and Bell Hooks. I refer because this is a way cultural movements are being empowered by social platforms and therefore. This way can be called The Social Influence, the way these cultural movements dominate information sources or in this case social platforms sources.


Another aspect that empowers these movements are their ability to create inside of the movements, causes that are related to them but can differ in some simple aspect and to these causes I called them sub-movements or trends. As it will be explored right away it stills need to be knowledge that this may be the most important point when talking empowerment, because, for example on the feminism side, the originating of the popular trend #Metoo pr #Saggyboobsmatter gave it an entirely new meaning for feminist to defend their cause. By this, I mean that as more trends exist insides these movements the more influential will be itself.

This happens because there is an increasing number of interests in these movements. They want to affect as many people as possible to make them visible to higher entities, as governments or such.


All in all empowering of cultural movements happen in many ways but I consider these to be the most influential

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